It's now officially spring, so I'm wearing SPF 30. I was using Natural Instinct Natural Mineral Sunblock Cream SPF 30+, but it is quite drying. Although my skin is oily/combo, it can also dry out quite easily, and this sunscreen was also causing a dry patch/rash thing on my neck, and causing my hands to get dry, with cracks on my knuckles. However, I slathered it all over myself when I was in Australia, and it's great on everything apart from hands, face, and neck.
It costs $14.99 for 125g, $24.99 for 250g, and $35.99 for 500ml. It's the most affordable natural sunblock I've found, although it isn't really all that natural compared to a lot of other sunblocks.
So, for my face, neck and hands, I use UV Natural Sunscreen SPF 30+, $36 for 200g. Yes, it is quite expensive, but a little goes a long way. It's not drying at all. It feels very thick, greasy, and heavy, but it hasn't given me any pimples. It makes my face look all shiny when I first put it on, but that goes away after a while.
In the colder months (May, June, July, and August), I go for a lower SPF. For my face and neck, I like Weleda Edelweiss Sun Cream SPF 20, $18.90 for 50ml. Yes, Edelweiss, like the song in The Sound of Music! I get that song stuck in my head whenever I buy this sunblock. It doesn't clog my pores or make my face white; instead it gives me nice glow (but not in a tanned sort of way, obviously). It also smells great.
For the rest of me, I use the gorgeous-smelling NOM (No Ordinary Moments) SPF 15 Sunscreen, $22.90 for 177ml. This also comes in SPF 25, also 177ml, for $23.50.
I also like Alba Hawaiian Green Tea SPF 30+ Sunscreen, $20.25 for 118ml, and Alba Organic Lavender Sunscreen SPF 30, $21 for 118ml. These use chemical sun filters rather than mineral ones, but a lot of the ingredients are quite natural.
If you want a face-specific sunblock, you could try Nature's Gate Organics Advanced Care Be Solective Sunscreen For Face SPF 30, $25 for 88ml. It is a chemical rather than a physical sunblock. For a lower SPF, try Alba Facial Sunscreen SPF 20, 118ml for $21, Aveda Dual Nature Face Protection SPF 15, $59 for 50ml, or Dr Hauschka Protective Face Cream SPF 8, $54 for 30ml.
Some other options (not just for face-specific sunblocks, for sunblocks in general).
$25 and under: Alba Fragrance Free Sunscreen SPF 15 118ml $21, Alba Sports Sunscreen SPF 30+ 118ml $21
$30 and under: Soleo Organics All-Natural Sunscreen SPF 30 75g $29.95
$35 and under: Dr Hauschka Sunscreen Lotion SPF 15 Sensitive 100ml $34, Weleda Edelweiss Sun Lotion SPF 15 $34.90
$45 and under: Aveda Daily-Light Guard™ SPF 15 150ml $44$50 and under: Dr Hauschka Sun Spray SPF 15 150ml $45.90
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